Welcome to the Rosary Brigade

Welcome to the Rosary Brigade
Dr. Mike Scherschligt

Spiritual mother of all the living

Yesterday was the Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church. As the Catechism states, Mary’s spiritual motherhood extends to all men whom indeed he came to save. Mary is the Spiritual Mother of All Peoples, whether they recognize it or not. And we want them to know her because she will lead them to Jesus in whom they will find eternal life. 

The first reading from this feast, Genesis chapter 3 is significant. 

“Speaking to the serpent, the devil, the Lord God said, I will make you enemies of each other: you and the woman, your offspring and her offspring. She will crush your head, while you strike at her heel. The man named his wife ‘Eve’ because she was the mother of all the living.”

According to the Catechism this passage foretells two important things:

  1. Of a battle between the serpent and the Woman, with the Woman crushing the head of the serpent, and of the final victory of her offspring who is the Messiah and Redeemer. 

  2. The Christian tradition sees in this passage an announcement of the "New Adam," Jesus who, because he "became obedient unto death, even death on a cross", makes amends superabundantly for the disobedience, of the old Adam. Furthermore, many Fathers and Doctors of the Church have seen the woman…as Mary, the mother of Christ, the "new Eve," the Spiritual Mother of All the Living. 

Mary, a spiritual mother

The Gospel for this Feast is from John 19:25

Near the cross of Jesus stood Mary, his mother and his mother's sister-in-law, Mary the wife of Clopas, Mary Magdalene; but the Gospel of Mark adds that Salome, the mother of the Apostles James and John stood also at the Cross. Then, seeing his mother and the disciple he loved (John) standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, 'Woman, this is your son. Then to the disciple he said, 'This is your mother'. And from that moment the disciple made a place for her in his home.

Think of this - the physical mother of John, the Beloved Disciple is standing right there, her name is Salome. Yet Jesus proclaims that his own mother, Mary, is now the mother of John and John is her son. Jesus speaks a word “Behold, your mother” and an awesome reality comes into existence: Mary is the Spiritual Mother of All the Living. Mary is Our Spiritual Mother. 

The Miraculous Medal

In 1830, in the Miraculous Medal Apparition, Mary appeared standing on the earth, crushing the serpent, the devil, under her heel. Since that time, two things have occurred, 

  1. The devil knows his time is short and is trying to sweep souls into hell by his tail and deceive the world into self-destruction

  2. Simultaneously Mary has been appearing with a greater frequency and urgency, marshalling her forces, her children who are willing to answer her call and fight by her side and under her direction.

She has given us 5 weapons by which to fight:

  1. Consecration to her Immaculate Heart

  2. Pray the Rosary every day

  3. Be more personally converted each day by means of prayer, the sacraments and the practice of virtue

  4. Leverage your own cross by accepting with trust and offering with love what you did not choose, do not like and cannot change. 

  5. Live the simple way of life of Friendship through invitation, hospitality, sharing life together and good conversation   

Join us to fight for the good of our loved ones

We all have family and friends who are not engaged with Christ or the Church. Our greatest fear is that a loved one will not be with us in heaven. We have tried everything, and nothing seems to work. We feel helpless and hopeless. You are not alone.

Join us in building an Army in which we band together, using the weapons Our Mother has given us to fight for the conversion and greater good of our loved ones

Those who fight alone are not as strong as those who fight together. If you fight alone you are more likely to become discouraged, lose hope, and give up. Don’t fight alone.

Join us in offering to pray the Rosary every day and to offer sacrifices and crosses for the conversion of all those on our prayer list

Visit DailyRosary.net, where you can sign up and receive daily Rosary audio. You can also submit names of loved ones to the prayer list.

The enemy Satan fears most is the Blessed Virgin Mary, because she crushes his head by her humility! 

We must rally around Our Queen, whom Scripture says is a Queen in battle array, and take the fight to Satan, go on the offensive. If we turn to Our Lady with confidence she will work miracles of conversion 

What do members of the movement do?

What do the Members of the Movement, the Brigade do?

  1. Consecrate yourself to Mary and Live the Consecration by living in imitation of Jesus relationship with Mary in Nazareth  

  2. Receive the Rosary Podcast and Sit at the School of Mary each day while praying the Rosary personally for all the members and intentions of the Movement

  3. Take up your cross by making everything a sacrifice to offer to Jesus: prayer, work, joy and suffering for all of those in the Movement. 

  4. Live Friendship through invitation, hospitality and sharing life with others which builds the companionship that nurtures conversation in which we seek to know understand love and care for them 

  5. Share in the prayers and merits of all those who are members of this movement. You are not alone. You share in the all the prayers, sacrifices and merits of all those joined together in this Movement of the Holy Family

  6. Invite others encounter Jesus through Mary in the Rosary

  7. Take spiritual responsibility for 4-5 people and help them grow in the knowledge and love of God through prayer, sacramental life and to become apostles to others (Family and Friends)

  8. Consider supporting the Movement Financially with a small monthly recurring gift or an annual gift 

 Mike’s grandson, Cormac James, was born today!


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