
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


1st decade: We begin by opening our Hearts to Christ

There’s so much anxiety about the uncertainty in the world. We’re not sure whether our businesses, schools, or our country will be reopened in a month or a year. There are fears about staying closed, and fears about reopening too quickly. And we can control none of it.

But there’s one reopening that we can control, the reopening of our hearts and our homes to Jesus and to others. In his inaugural homily in 1978, Pope John Paul II said, “Do not be afraid. Open wide the doors for Christ. To his saving power open the boundaries of States, economic and political systems, the vast fields of culture, civilization and development. Do not be afraid. Christ knows "what is in man". He alone knows it.”

The First Step to Re-Opening is by surrendering our lives more fully to Jesus. Jesus, I surrender to you; take care of everything!

The Second way to open our own hearts and the hearts of others is by Praying their intentions:

1.  Nothing opens the heart like intercessory prayer

2.  When you ask someone what they need prayers for, you’re telling them that they matter and that you care;

3.  When you take their intentions to prayer, your heart opens up and expands;

4.  The heart of Jesus has room for all

5.  Face to face, by text, email, or phone – just ask people

a.  What can I keep in prayer for you?

b.  Then follow up in a few days or a week or so to see how the matter is going?

6.  Who are you reaching out to today that you’re going to ask for their intentions?

The Third way to open our own hearts and the hearts of others is by Offering Suffering for Others

I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake

And in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the Church. Col. 1:24

What could be lacking in the suffering of Jesus?

·       Our participation

Jesus is inviting us to help open us the doors of souls that he may come in by our personal cross, our suffering and sacrifice

What you

·       Did not choose

·       Do not like

·       Cannot change

·       And Cannot understand

·       Accept with Trust

·       Offer with love for the conversion and holiness of others

Archimedes: “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”

The Cross is a T-bar, a lever to move souls

·       Leverage your suffering my uniting it to Christ’s to help move souls toward His Merciful Love!

Mother Teresa: Accept what He gives and give what He takes with a big smile

Don’t waste your suffering. Tell someone who needs strength that you are offering your sacrifices and sufferings for them today.

The Fourth way to open our own hearts and the hearts of others is by creating opportunities for friendship, good conversation and prayer and inviting others into this

Invite those who live with you and if you can, invite others into your

·       Home, Backyard, Pool, Drive-way, Cul-de-sac

·       Last night we meet at the Portico at the Church of the Nativity in the grotto with the Statues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary 

·       Zoom it

We all get wrapped up in our own little world and our routines that we close ourselves off to those we live with and to others.

All of the obstacles to getting together and sharing life are really convenient to the devil because the devil knows people come to God through other people.

If the devil can keep people away from one another, keep them from having good conversations, and by all-means keep them from praying together – then he knows he can keep us away from God.

One of the most powerful ways for people to open their soul to Jesus is through you. Through your relationship with them. Through your interest in them and just sharing life with them.

But you must break your routines, be intentional and creative. Who are you going to invite, where and when?

5th decade: Life a Simple Way of Life

This not about the Rosary alone, and it’s not about a podcast.

This is the movement of families and friends who live a simple way of life of Friendship Good Conversation and pray the Rosary.



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