Overcoming Cemeteries In 4 steps

Overcoming Cemeteries In 4 steps
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


During the Approved Apparitions of Mary in San Nicolas Argentina in the 1990 Mary said: Everywhere in the world where my messages have been given, it would seem that one proclaimed them in cemeteries. The response which the Lord expected was not there. That is why you were chosen. Make these messages known to people so they may be able to answer the call of the Lord.

Our Mother is asking her children who are listening to make known to those who aren’t what she is asking

1.  Consecration to Her Immaculate Heart – for the Heart of Mary will lead all to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

2.  Live the Consecration – Live a personal relationship with Mary moment to moment, day after day in imitation of Jesus relationship with her.

3.  Pray the Rosary Every Day – It is the School of Mary

4.  Everyone needs a Team - Form a small group of family and friends with whom you can share life and integrate your faith through the Rosary and good conversation about spiritual things.


Oct 13, 1988 Our Lady said at San Nicolas: I am your Mother who calls you to prayer and conversion…Mankind must understand that these messages reinforce the love of the Mother of Heaven for her children…It is good that my children know that I ask them for consecration since, when they are consecrated to my heart, they belong also to the Mother as well as to my Son. My own light will remove all darkness by permitting my children to walk on the path God has established.

Consecration is the process of the Holy Spirit forming Jesus within us.

Think of the Consecration of the Eucharist.

·       The bell is rung at the prayer of the epiclesis

·       The priest asks God the Father to send the Holy Spirit to transform the bread and wine into Jesus

·       Consecration is the Holy Spirit bringing Jesus into the bread and wine, transforming the bread and wine into Jesus.

The Holy Spirit does something similar to us

·       The Holy Spirit consecrates us,

·       the Holy Spirit brings Jesus into our soul to transform us to be like God as we are told in 1 John 3:2

How does the Holy Spirit do this?

·       Through Mary.

How do we know? The Incarnation

·       The first time the Holy Spirit brought Jesus into the world,

he did so in union with Mary.

o   The Holy Spirit and Mary formed Jesus in her womb.

o   The Holy Spirit and Mary will form Jesus in you. 


St. Louis de Montfort taught us the secret to living consecration to Mary in his book The Secret of Mary

Montfort wrote – “the spirit of Mary is the Spirit of God because she was never led by her own spirit, but always by the Spirit of God, who made himself master of her to such an extent that he became her very spirit.”

Romans 8:26 The Holy Spirit comes to help us in our weakness.

·       The Holy Spirit and Mary act as one

Therefore, Invite Mary to come and live in you

Continuously ask Mary to live her virtues in you

Since I am weak and often confused…

·       I ask Mary to replace my doubt with her faith

·       I ask Mary to replace my hope, my love, my prudence, justice, courage, temperance…all the virtues with hers

o   So that I may love Jesus and others with the aid of Her perfect love

All is directed to the love of Jesus and to Jesus living through me

·       But this is aided, strengthened and carried out by the Spirit of Mary

·       which is the Holy Spirit.


Again at San Nicolas Our Lady said: The Holy Rosary is the weapon which the enemy fears. It is also the refuge of those who look for relief for their suffering, and it is the door to enter my heart.

1.  In every approved apparition Mary asked us to pray the Rosary every day to bring about the conversion of sinners and the Triumph of Her Heart

a.  There is an urgency to Our Lady’s request

                                                 i.    Akita Oct 6, 2019

2.  The Rosary is the most powerful weapon against the devil

3.  The Rosary Podcast gives good content

a.  To learn the Catholic Faith

b.  To learn meditation – reflection and resolution

c.   To foster Good Conversation

4.  It’s an easy way for spouses, families and friends to pray together

5.  Easy to share with others

The Rosary is the School of Mary.

When we pray the Rosary we mystically go to the home at Nazareth to be with Mary, Joseph and Jesus. It’s like stepping into the Home of the Holy Family

St. John Paul II wrote: The Rosary mystically transports us to Mary's side as she is busy watching over the human growth of Christ in the home of Nazareth. This enables her to train us and to mold us with the same care, until Christ is “fully formed” in us (cf. Gal 4:19). Rosarium 15


Solitary embers quickly grow cold but a heap of burning coals quickly sets everything ablaze.

Everyone needs a small group of family and friends

·       with whom you can share life

·       integrate your faith

·       through the Rosary and good conversation on spiritual things

Once a week get together with family or friends Have people over 

·       To Pray the Rosary

o   Use this Rosary Podcast,

o   Read the Transcript and pray the decades

o   Pray the traditional mysteries

·       But have something to meditate upon

o   Don’t let the Rosary be a mindless rote saying of words

o   That way everyone can learn their faith

o   While they learn how to go deeper in prayer in meditation

§  that is what the Rosary is meant to be

·       When the Rosary is over – talk

o   ask one another what caught their attention

o   what they were reflecting on during the Rosary

§  This way you can have a spiritual conversation

·       Which is hard without some format and content

o   now you have it.

Form your team, get a team, be a part of a team – but whatever you do – don’t let yourself be isolated.

In this decade ask the Holy Spirit and Mary to inspire you.

Then make a shore list of 4-5 people or couples and Invite!



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