Obeying Our Queen

Obeying Our Queen
Dr. Troy Hinkel


Mary brings Jesus to us through the Holy Spirit. To draw close to Mary is to draw close to Jesus due to the Spirit’s activity. She says in her Magnificat, “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior” (Lk 1:46-47). Intimacy with her opens for us the treasure of graces and insights into the life of Jesus that would otherwise remain hidden. In loving her we prove moreover that we are sons and daughters of God because we are cherishing that which He cherishes. We will discover the depths of our Lord’s humility and how deep His desire to truly be one with us. For this reason, Our Lord gave Mary to St. John the Apostle, His beloved disciple, at the moment He offered up His Spirit on the cross. Now she is the visible sign and effective presence of the Holy Spirit’s action in the Church. This act of bestowing her to His Church which the beloved disciple symbolizes prompts Jesus to remark, “It is finished” (Jn 19:30). Jesus has now established His Mystical Body by passing on to it His authority, mission, Holy Mysteries (i.e. Sacraments), and His Mother. He will seal this Body and Spirit connection with His Church when He rises from the dead and breathes forth His Spirit, first into His Apostles who are sent with His authority to forgive sins, then to all His Church at Pentecost (Jn 19 and Acts 2, respectively). It is the role of His Church to continue His mission fighting against sin until He returns. He’s given His Mother as Queen as Rev 12 shows us, because the enemy continues to wage his rebellion against her and us. We are guaranteed victory provided we don’t give up the fight.  


The Lord has so established His Mother with such special graces that her ability to convert even the hardest of hearts is well documented. I am living proof! She comes to convert our hearts by revealing to us the depths of our need for her Son, and how we can find Him. She explains to us not just the state of the world, but also the special assignment she offers us. Her appearances are always mystical: she appears not just to the visionaries, but also to those prepared with devotion; meaning, she also comes for us. She provides the energy for our work in the Movement and will continue to lead us if we continue to respond. Oh Holy Spirit, fill us with Divine Light and Love, lead us through this valley of tears with our Mother, and help us rescue souls, including our own, by following you.


In the approved apparition of San Nicolas, Argentina, the Virgin Mary confirms our mission. She said to Gladys De Motta, “You must be warned, children, the plague is big. At these moments all humanity is hanging by a thread. My children, the senseless person is dead, even if alive, because he does not fear the justice of God, nor fears not fulfilling of His commandments. He wants to ignore the fact that the Lord’s day and his judgment will arrive. Blessed are those who fear God’s judgment.”

She continues, “God’s warning is over the world. Those who stay in the Lord have nothing to fear, but those who deny what comes from him do. Two-thirds of the world is lost and the other part must pray and make reparation for the Lord to take pity. The devil wants to have full domination over the earth. He wants to destroy. The earth is in great danger.”

“My daughter, because of a few good people, many bad people will be saved. I mean that with prayer, with the continual prayer of true Christians, many will reach salvation. Here, I explain the reason for my presence and the remaining of my messages, that are, in final instance, the Lord's word. There must be conversion for the salvation of the soul to be possible.”


Times of crisis are also times of opportunity. Our Lady’s messages are hopeful because they give us a call to action with a promised return on investment. If we commit to pray and do penance, we will rescue souls who otherwise would parish. The entire world is on a path of destruction. The errors of Russia, i.e., communism and socialism, have enveloped the world, like she predicted at Fatima. That is why she calls on those of us who will listen and respond; to respond, and to rescue. Our Lady of San Nicolas further said, “the demon acts ferociously, do not be astonished. He attacks without compassion surrounding everything that he can touch. Pray my children, prayer fortifies. You are called by Jesus Christ to pray. The prince of evil spills today his poison with all the forces because he sees that he is concluding his sad reign. He has little left, his end is near.” This would certainly explain the hurry in which the forces of darkness seem to be acting. I often hear from people who feel bewildered or even frightened with world events. My friends, let us not panic, but pray and do penance. This is why she comes and this is all she asks of us. Let us continue to do as She asks and be filled with hope! If she said his sad reign is ending, we need to realize that the one who should be afraid is Satan, not us! Queen of Victory, pray for us.


 Let us turn our homes into sanctuaries of peace and community. We do this through prayer, penance, and invitation of others. We need to be open to everybody, not coming across as judgmental, even if their views seem oppositional. Instead of direct confrontation, trust the conversation and the conversion of their hearts to Our Lady. Ask for the grace of the Holy Spirit to lead you. Maybe you’re the one who is supposed to listen.  In this way we obey our Queen, we follow her teachings, and will share in her Victory.


The Church is Born in the Home


Our Lady of the Rosary