My Word Will Not Pass Away

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The Law of Entropy.

As Jesus sat on the Mt. of Olives, opposite the Temple he said; “After the tribulation, the Sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.”

This is a frightening scene – Sun, Moon, and stars falling down.

But this is happening all the time. Everything is always falling apart – moving from order to disorder. It is a law of physics called entropy – that all things move from order toward disorder. And no matter how much energy you put in things don’t stay in order. You heat your coffee and it cools; we fall out of shape faster than it takes to get in shape; we clean the house and it gets messy; and no matter how close we watch our professions or kids – they tend to get out of control.

This is reality. Don’t get frustrated. Accept it and learn to live in reality.


Pride – the Illusion of Control.

The beginning of all sin, of all anger, worry and despair is pride – that is – the disordered desire for control.

We think that if we work hard enough, see far enough ahead, have power over people, or just don’t take any risks, then we can keep all things under control.

This is an illusion. Only the past is set. The number of variables in the future is infinite. Disorder is waiting around the corner at every step. Most of it is beyond your control.

So either there is a power that can make all disorder contribute to a providential plan for good or every human project and the whole world is ultimately doomed.

Therefore we have three options:

a.  Try harder to control everything and everyone.

b.  Despair and give up.

c.   Do what you can and entrust the rest to God your Father who orders all things for good.


Right after Jesus tells the Apostles everything is falling apart He said; “Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

Jesus is the Word of God. The “Word” in Greek is Logos which means the source of all order.

Jesus is the only One who can order all things in the universe to a good conclusion.

Jesus, the Word of God is more real and more lasting than the entire material world.

Jesus, the Word is the true dependable reality which holds firm even when the Sun goes dark and the universe disintegrates.

Jesus is the only solid ground on which we can stand.


God allows entropy, He allows everything to tend to disorder to save us from pride – from the illusion of control.

Jesus wants to teach us humility. Humility has two parts:

a.  We are not God. We have limitations. We must learn to accept what we did not choose, do not like, and cannot change or control.

b.  We have been made children of God and Our Father is guiding everything beyond our control to our greater good.

So, use the gifts God has given you: pray, think, take action, and be responsible.

And trust that God your Father will take care of everything else.


We grow to Trust Providence by Thanksgiving.

I know you because we all suffer from Pride.

We say God is in control but we try to act as if we are. I know this because when things do not go as we want we become anxious, angry, and exhausted. And the few of you who think you have it all under control are the most delusional.

So, for all of us, the most direct way to overcome pride and grow in trust of God’s Providential care is to thank Him constantly for the good and all that appears not so good.

Paul tells us; “Rejoice always; pray constantly; give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ for you.”

Gratitude is precisely what reminds you that you didn’t hold the universe together in the past, so you don’t need to worry about holding it together in the future. God takes care of the lilies, he watches the sparrows. He’s got it under control. Be grateful and be at peace.


Will God Answer Your Prayer


The Significance of the Shepherds