Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene
Dr. Mike Scherschligt

Increasing our desire for God

Excerpts from a homily on the Gospels by Gregory the Great,


When Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and did not find the Lord’s body, she thought it had been taken away and so informed the disciples. After they came and saw the tomb, they too believed what Mary had told them. The text then says: "The disciples went back home," and it adds: "but Mary wept and remained standing outside the tomb."

We should reflect on Mary’s attitude and the great love she felt for Christ; for though the disciples had left the tomb, she remained. She was still seeking the one she had not found, and while she sought, she wept; burning with the fire of love, she longed for him whom she thought had been taken away. And so, it happened that the woman who stayed behind to seek Christ was the only one to see him…

When our desires are not satisfied, they grow stronger, and becoming stronger they take hold of their object. Holy desires likewise grow with anticipation…As David says: "My soul has thirsted for the living God; when shall I come and appear before the face of God?”


Mary Magdalen’s desires of heart grew, not just due to anticipation, but also to the space created in her heart by our Lord’s mercy.

Mary loved much because, as Luke tells us, “…her many sins have been forgiven, as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little, loves little.” (Lk 7:47.) Our Lord forgave Mary, driving out 7 demons, signifying completeness. She was completely possessed. She had completely given her life over to these deadly sins.

But when our Lord forgave her those many sins, she was freed from darkness and selfishness, filled with light and love, and Jesus became her hearts sole desire. Such is the power of forgiveness. If we feel unloved, mistreated, resentful, fixated on the unfairness of life, we love little. “For in the same judgment you pronounce you will be judged. With the measure you use it will be measured to you.” (Mt 7:2.)


Mary encountered Jesus and she repented, converted, and became a great saint

If Mary repented, was forgiven, and transformed, then we, too can experience transformation. We must repent, seek, and give forgiveness, convert and grow in love, then we too can become great saints. We also must check our cynicism and condemnation. It is easy to doubt the authenticity of another’s conversion, and sometimes these are faked. But are we really in a position to know that?

Imagine how people gossiped when they saw Jesus with Mary Magdalene since she was known for her sins. Jesus as God was surely aware of the whisperings and conjectures. He nevertheless befriended her, setting aside these earthly judgments. His mercy produces love, joy, and friendship, which is why we must receive this in our prayer with Jesus, and then share with others.


Resentment, self-pity and judgmentalism make us think that we can worry about splinters in others’ eyes while ignoring the planks in our own. These vices are dangerous because they are self-centered rather than Christ and other centered. They assume the worst in others. They even become self-fulfilling. By carrying around grudges and refusing to forgive others, we exaggerate events that hurt us, ignore our own contribution to our plight, and finger point. This is why Jesus warns us that by the judge and measure with which we judge will be dealt back to us. When we are convinced of our own righteousness and believe it our duty to judge others, we create for ourselves hell on earth, and plunge ourselves and those around us into it. We need a savior!


Mary’s life exhibited repentance and acts of kindness due to her love of Jesus. Spikenard was used in preparation for burial and it was a costly fragrance, as Judas pointed out, a year’s pay. She was willing to give it all when she poured it on Jesus’ feet. She is the opposite of the rich young man who was good, but unwilling to give up his attachments to follow Jesus. Are we willing to give it all to Him? Jesus allows her to help him in his eminent passion. He even predicts that she will use this ointment for his burial. And of course, after these acts of great repentance and love, she is the first to see our Risen Lord! Let us remember St. Mary Magdalen and ask the Lord what we need to do to love Him more deeply, to seek forgiveness of our sins more completely, and to offer this forgiveness to others more generously. Then, we too, will become great saints!


An Encounter With Jesus


Intro to the Theological Virtues