Immaculate Heart of Mary


Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

Why is the Immaculate Heart of Mary so important? 

I believe Fatima is the key event to understanding what the world is going through today and what must be done for conversion and peace.

On July 13, 1917, Mary showed the three children of Fatima a vision of Hell and then said: “You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. 

God through Our Lady could not have stated it more clearly – the way to peace is not through weapons of destruction – it can only come through devotion to the Heart of Mary. And that means three things:

  1. Consecrate yourself to the Heart of Mary

  2. Pray the Rosary every day

  3. 1st Saturdays of Reparation 

Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis consecrated Ukraine and Russia and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

Pay attention - Our Lady explicitly asked that once the Pope does his part, we must do ours if we want to bring about the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and the era of peace. 

Our part is the daily Rosary and Five First Saturdays of Reparation.

You are praying the Rosary. Now are you living the Five First Saturdays of Reparation? 


Apparition of the Five First Saturdays 

On December 10, 1925, the Mother of God appeared to Sr. Lucia, the last living visionary of Fatima, also appearing with her, by Her side, elevated on a luminous cloud, was the Child Jesus. The Most Holy Virgin rested Her hand on Lucia’s shoulder, and as She did so, She showed her a Heart encircled by thorns, which She was holding in Her other hand. At the same time, the Child said: “Have compassion on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother, covered with thorns, with which ungrateful men pierce It at every moment, and there is no one to make an act of Reparation to remove them.”

Then the Most Holy Virgin said: “Look my daughter, at My Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce Me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to console Me and announce in My name that I promise to assist at the moment of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep Me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making Reparation to Me.”

Pope Benedict extended the window for confession from 20 days before until 20 days after the first Saturday. That’s it. 

But too few have answered the call.

How long will you ignore the call of Our Lady?  


At First Sr. Lucia ignored Our Lady’s request and did not make the message of Five First Saturdays known.

Two months later, on February 15, 1926, Sr. Lucia went outside to dump the trash in the dumpster behind the convent, where some months earlier she met a child whom she asked if he knew the Hail Mary, and he said he did, but he made no attempt to say it. So she told him to learn it. On this day, she once again met the same child behind the convent. She asked him, “Did you do as I told you and learn the prayer?” Lucia relates what happened next: 

“The child turned to me and said: And have you spread through the world what our heavenly Mother requested of you?” With that, he was transformed into the resplendent Lord Jesus.”

Sr. Lucia made her excuses to Jesus for not doing what Mary requested to which Jesus responded:

“It is true, my daughter, that many souls begin the First Saturdays, but few finish them, and those who do complete them do so in order to receive the graces that are promised thereby. It would please me more if they did the Five with fervor and with the intention of making reparation to the Heart of your Heavenly Mother…”

Are we living the First Saturdays of Reparation and spreading them or are we making excuses?


In 1930 Sr Lucia of Fatima wrote a letter in which she explained that Jesus promised to grant religious freedom to all people under the domination of Russia when the Pope consecrates Russia to the Heart of Mary.

As a result of the Consecration made by Pope St. John Paul II in 1984, that happened! On December 8, 1991, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. All the countries under the former Soviet Union were set free and granted religious freedom.

Next Jesus said to Lucia: “The Holy Father must then promise that upon the ending of this persecution of religion in Russia, he will approve and recommend the practice of the five first Saturdays.” 

The time immediately following the granting of religious freedom in Russia was supposed to be the time when First Saturdays of Reparation kicks in. 

But we have not practiced the First Saturdays and fear, hatred and war have covered the earth. 

For the Consecration of Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Francis to have its full effect and bring about the era of peace promised by Mary we must do our part and carry out the Five First Saturdays of Reparation.

Jesus told Lucia that once she completed the Five First Saturdays she should continue in the place of all those who would not. 

In the approved apparition of Cuapa Nicaragua in 1980, Our Lady said, “Renew the Five First Saturdays. You received many graces when all of you did this!”


Sr. Lucia took very seriously Our Lady’s warning that another world war, famines, and persecutions of the Church would result if we did not make reparation for our sins. 

Sr Lucia believed the Blessed Mother’s promise that souls could be saved and wars and disasters averted if we would dedicate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the Five First Saturdays of reparation. 

In a letter, Lucia wrote: “Our Lady promised to postpone the scourge of war if this devotion is spread and practiced. We see her putting off this chastisement in the measure that efforts are being made to spread it. But I am afraid that we are not doing all that we are able to, and that God, in no way satisfied, may raise the arm of his mercy and let the world be ravaged by this punishment, which will be as never been, horrible, horrible!... Peace or war depends on the Five First Saturdays along with the Consecration.” 


Prudence, Conscience, and Compassion


Apparition of the Sacred Heart