Immaculate Heart of Mary

Immaculate Heart of Mary
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


Many people wonder what the purpose of the Movement of the Holy Family is and why are we inviting people to become members. Mary gave us the mission at Fatima – it is a rescue mission – Our Lady is asking us to help her rescue souls from going to hell. That is why the Movement exists. That is what we are called to do. That is our mission.

Mary showed the three children of Fatima a vision of Hell and then said: “You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. Then Our Lady goes through a series of prophecies that are all conditional – if we do what she asks they can all be avoided or reduced in intensity.

If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.

There are three points here:

1.  God’s plan is to save souls by means of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary;

2.  If we respond, may souls will be saved and there will be peace.

3.  If we do not respond, many souls will be lost and the world will experience great suffering as a consequence of our own evil choices.


Our Mission is to lead People to Jesus through Mary

Our Method

1.  The Rosary Podcast

a.  Helps individuals develop the daily habit of meditation and form a resolution to grow in virtue

b.  Helps individuals learn the Catholic faith and way of life through daily bite-sized digestible portions. 

2.  Spiritual Friendship

a.  Objective: That everyone has a small group of family and friends (a Team) with whom they share life, integrate their faith, and invite others.

b.  By sharing life with family and friends, building a team, fostering good conversation and inviting them to prayer we build spiritual friendship.

c.   Living spiritual friendship creates a sub-culture that sustains and grows faith.

3.  Invitation

a.  Sharing the Rosary Podcast with others and following up

b.  Inviting new people to share life with one’s team is the access point or bridge to God, to the Church and to spiritual friendship.   


Since 1846, more than 20 times Our Lady has appeared in the world asking us specifically to pray the Rosary ever day. You may personally love the Rosary but feel awkward inviting others to pray the Rosary, especially if they are not Catholic or not practicing.

Mary is not just the spiritual Mother of practicing Catholics. Mary is the spiritual mother of all people. Jesus died for all.

The main bridge back to a relationship with God for most people will be some family member or friend whom they trust who invites them to prayer. Why prayer? Because you don’t need to be Catholic to pray, you don’t need to be practicing to start praying. You don’t need to be in a state of grace, or go to confession or get an annulment or go through the RCIA to pray. Anyone can pray but it takes someone to invite them and help them. You be that bridge. All you have to do is lead them to Mary in the Rosary and She will lead them to Jesus.


Make a commitment to pray the Rosary every day.

Here is something wild. Leave it until the evening (ok if you like praying the Rosary in the morning then pray two; morning and night.) Whoever you are with in the evening, invite them to pray the Rosary with you. It doesn’t matter who they are. Say to them, “Hey, I pray the Rosary every night, would you like to join me?” If they don’t want to, leave them free and don’t make a big deal out of it. If they are open but don’t know how give them a few options. Invite them to just be with you as you play this podcast or read the transcript out loud and pray the decades. It will be a time of listening and reflection for them which is prayer. Or offer them a little pamphlet with the prayers to follow along and offer them a Rosary. Teach them to do it. If you make it seem like it is natural they will be more likely to think it is natural.


At Fatima Mary said: ‘I want you…to continue to pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, in order to obtain peace in world and the end of the war, because only She can help you.’

Why is it that only Mary can help us? God has given Mary the mission of uniting people to Jesus and forming them in His likeness. This is how she defeats the kingdom of Satan and crushes his head. But she needs your cooperation. She is asking you to consecrate yourself to her and to pray the Rosary every day. You also have a mission to the people around you right now. We want to help you reach the people She’s put in your life. Let’s build a team together and help Jesus and Mary rescue souls? That is our mission.


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