Flight Into Egypt


Blown Plans 

We just celebrated the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem forty days after his birth at Christmas. Soon after, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, 'Get up, take the child and his mother with you, and escape into Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, because Herod intends to search for the child and do away with him'. So, Joseph got up and, taking the child and his mother with him, left that night for Egypt.

Wow, talk about having your plans blown. Joseph and Mary had a home, a business, family and friends, safety and security in Nazareth and now they must fly as refugees to Egypt with only that which they can carry. I haven’t been chased by a king who is a paranoid psychopathic murderer, but I have had my plans blown and I usually do not react well. Normally, I react with fear and anger. 

We must be responsible, make plans, take action, and follow through. But we take this too far. We try to control all things. That is pride. The amount of pride we suffer from is brought to light with flights canceled, sickness, people, events, or circumstances we can’t control. Now, you may respond well to some of these but there is one that trips your pride trigger. What is it? 


How did I get here?

There may be a time when we look at our life and say, “Wait, how did I get here, how did this happen? This is not the way I wanted things to turn out!”

Maybe it’s your marriage or your religious life. It might be your kid’s mental or physical health, your own health, or your career. The point is that we often experience something we didn’t choose (at least we didn’t choose how it turned out), and we don’t like it. Worst of all, we can’t change it. It is beyond our control. Now what?

Well, there is incredible practical wisdom in a little masterpiece called Abandonment to Divine Providence by De Caussade. You should definitely read it. Since you probably haven’t read it, I’ll give you its key points. 

First, the biggest obstacle to happiness and holiness is the way we think things should have turned out or the way we think other people should be. 

You have to let go of that! Because you are not God.


Stop ‘shoulding’ all over yourself

I was in confession once saying things like, “I should have done this” and “That person should have done that” and “Things should have gone differently.” And the priest responded, “Well, it looks like you’ve created a pile of should, and you’re shoulding all over yourself.”

The way we thought things should have gone is not real. It’s an illusion that fills us with false hopes and expectations. And it results in resentment and unhappiness. Because now we think it is impossible for this to turn out really well. And we lose hope.  However, nothing is impossible to God. 

If we give this thing we can’t control to God, if we give it to him unconditionally, then He will make it the best because God works all things for good for those who love him.

So the first step is to stop “shoulding” all over yourself and start surrendering this to God. Say, “Lord, I can’t. You can. So, I think I’ll let you do it.”


No matter what happens I will be okay.

God is our Father Almighty. He knows everything. He can do anything. He knows what is best for us and he wants what is best for us. 

Nothing can happen to us that is beyond his knowledge and power. Nothing can happen unless God wills it or allows it. And God works all things for good for those who love him. So no matter what happens I will be okay. Because God is my Father. 

Yes, God allows bad things to happen because he gave us freedom which he respects. But he is also so powerful and so good that he can cause an even greater good to emerge from evil itself. 

Jesus said, “Can you not buy two sparrows for a penny? And yet not one falls to the ground without your Father knowing. Why, every hair of your head has been counted. So there is no need to be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

So, if you find yourself where you don’t want to be, remember that God is your Father and that you are his child. Be willing to step into the situation and say, “It doesn’t matter how this goes. Because with My Father I will be okay. I am safe!


The present moment is a gift from God.

Since nothing can happen except what God wills or allows, then this present situation, this present moment is God’s will. It is His gift to us.

Of the infinite possible ways this moment could have been, God chose this one for us. Therefore, it must be the best.

Did you hear that? There are an infinite number of ways your life could be at this moment, but God your Father chose this one for you. If He chose it, then this is the best. Can you believe that?

Treasures of grace are hidden in this moment, even if it is repugnant to you.

God wants to give himself to you through the circumstances of this moment. Sometimes He appears as a repulsive street urchin, but faith sees our God and King in disguise.

God chose this present moment for you. Will you accept it?

Happiness and Holiness is as easy as living in the present moment. 

Instead of wishing this moment, this place in your life was different, allow God to transform it by simply living the present moment well. 

How do we live the present moment well?

Don’t live in the past, it’s gone. You should think about the future and make a plan, but once you have one, then live in the present moment. Just do whatever responsibility or duty lies before you now. Don’t live in the future, it too is not real.

Accept with trust and love whatever joys and sufferings you experience now. Avoid sin and the occasions of sin. Follow as best you can any inspiration you think comes from God. And remember, God never takes anything from us without giving 100x more in return, in this present life and in heaven. 

And how did Joseph and Mary respond? They did not get angry, anxious, worried, or give up. Joseph went with what God was allowing, not against it. That is what we must do. Go with the flow of God’s will, don’t fight against it. 

Okay Lord, this is not what I planned. But I will go with you. Help me cooperate! 




Feast of the Presentation of the Lord