First Saturdays

First Saturdays
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


You have heard me speak about Fatima many times. But most people have missed a HUGE piece of Our Lady’s message. On July 13, 1917, Mary appeared to the three children of Fatima, entrusting to them a message for the world. The message was this: Russia would spread destructive forces throughout the world through the dissemination of Marxism which would undermine marriage and the family, Government, economics, education, the media and in short, every strand in the fabric of society. Then Mary gave us the means to correct all of this, She requested two things:

A.  That the Pope, with all the bishops of the world consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. That was accomplished by St. John Paul II on March 25, 1984. Almost immediately after this Mikhail Gorbachev is elected. He implements Glasnost – Openness, and Perestroika – Restructuring of the Soviet Union. Then November 8 1989, Sister Lucia confirmed the Consecration of Russia requested by Our Lady writing, “has been accomplished” and “God will keep His word.” Then on November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall falls. Finally, on December 8, 1991 all the countries under the Iron Curtain were set free and Russians were granted religious freedom. To add to all of this, and this is what the Western anti-Christian media does not want you to know, Christianity in Russia and all the former Soviet Countries is blossoming like a new springtime while Christianity is dying in the West. The Consecration worked!

B. The second piece that we have all missed is the Communion of Reparations of First Saturdays which were meant to stem the tide of Marxist ideology from flowing out into the world – to stem this evil tide by prayer, conversion through confession and Eucharistic reparation. But we did not answer the call and the evil of Marxism has flooded the world.


In 1993, Sr Lucia told Cardinal Vidal of the Philippines that there are seven days of Fatima, and “We are only in the 3rd day of the ‘Week of Fatima.’” The 1st day was the apparition period from 1916-1929; the 2nd day was the time before the consecration of Russia post-apparition, (1930-1984). We have entered the 3rd day immediately after the consecration. Lucia stated: “The Fatima week has not yet ended…People expect things to happen immediately within their own timeframe. But Fatima is still in its third day. The triumph is an on-going process.”

In a letter written between May 30 and June 12, 1930 Sr Lucia explained what the 3rd day is all about. She repeated that Our Lord promised to grant religious freedom in Russia when the Pope consecrates Russia to the Heart of Mary. Next Jesus said to Lucia The Holy Father must then promise that upon the ending of this persecution of religion in Russia, he will approve and recommend the practice of the five first Saturdays.

Following the granting of religious freedom in Russia will be the time when First Saturdays of Reparation kicks in. That is what the 3rd day is all about. We are in the 3rd day. The Day that needs us to fulfill Frist Saturdays of Reparation. This seems to place the weight of responsibility for the entire world on Catholics because they alone are able to make first Saturday’s. 


On December 10, 1925, the Mother of God appeared to Sr. Lucia, the last living visionary of Fatima, also appearing with her, by Her side, elevated on a luminous cloud, was the Child Jesus. The Most Holy Virgin rested Her hand on Lucia’s shoulder, and as She did so, She showed her a Heart encircled by thorns, which She was holding in Her other hand. At the same time, the Child said:

“Have compassion on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother, covered with thorns, with which ungrateful men pierce It at every moment, and there is no one to make an act of Reparation to remove them.”

Then the Most Holy Virgin said: “Look my daughter, at My Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce Me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to console Me and announce in My name that I promise to assist at the moment of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep Me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making Reparation to Me.”


When Our Lady referred to Russia spreading her errors throughout the world, she referred to the destructive ideas of Marxism. Those have not only affected the former Communist countries they have also had devastating effects on the West and in America. Marxist ideology believes:

·       There is only the material world, the spiritual world, God and the immortal soul do not exist, therefore, it seeks to abolish religion and replace it with secular atheism.

·       Marxism seeks to establish socialism as an economic structure. St Maximilian Kolbe described the evil of socialist economics when he wrote that “Marxism it seeks to abolish private property, or at least ownership of the means of production. It is the state, then, that establishes the type of work an individual is allowed to do; the state that appraises it; the state that pays for it. And that is supposed to be freedom…? Socialism engenders only slavery and the tyranny of government over citizens. It fails to recognize the aspirations of the noble and free human nature. Such deviations, however, are no accident. Rather, they are the business method of the “brothers” of the hammer and trowel (the free masons) who exploit every opportunity in order to implement the motto they decreed in the year 1717: “To destroy all religion, especially the Christian one.” Kolbe

·       Marx thought that the revolution would just happen automatically. His followers realized that you had to help it along by destroying the family, the fundamental cell of society by sowing no-fault divorce, contraception, abortion, same-sex marriage and transgenderism.

It is painfully clear that the “errors of Russia” are affecting America in a terrible way. However, the Mother of God gave us a powerful solution to remedy this evil when she gave us 1st Saturdays of Reparation, but we did not listen, and we continue to suffer the ravaging effects of Marxism.


Mary promised in July of 1917 and again in 1925, that she would destroy Marxism and all of its destructive ideologies, all those things that are wreaking great havoc in our world and Church today, but they will not be solved by any purely human means, they will only be destroyed by Our Lady, but it requires our involvement, through something so simple: First Saturdays of Reparation. That on the first Saturday of every month we go to Mass, receive communion, Pray the Rosary, think about the life of Jesus for 15 minutes and go to Confession with the intention of making reparation – that is – making up by our love for all of the sins and ingratitude of the world. To make it even easier you can go to Confession up to eight days before and eight days after the first Saturday. That’s it. It is so simple that we don’t think it will work, so we don’t take Her seriously and we don’t do it. We think we are going to solve all of this by politics and legislation – well, we won’t. Only when we turn to Our Lady and do what she asked will She then bring about the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, crush the head of Satan in the form of Marxist ideology and bring about the era of peace she promised.  This Saturday, May 2 is the 1st Saturday of the month. It is probably time that we begin!a


St. Louis De Montfort

