Feast of Our Lady of Fatima

Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


Many people wonder what the purpose of the Movement of the Holy Family is and why are we inviting people to become members. Mary gave us the mission at Fatima - to rescue souls from going to hell. That is why the Movement exists. That is what we are called to do.

Mary showed the three children of Fatima a vision of Hell and then said: “You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end; but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and the Holy Father. To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays.

Fatima our Lady gives us our mission: to rescue souls from going to hell by living and spreading devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And how do we do this? Though the very relationships we have with those in danger.  


Then Our Lady goes through a series of prophecies that are all conditional – if we do what she asks they can all be avoided or reduced in intensity.

If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.

There are three points here:

1.  God’s plan is to save souls by means of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary;

2.  If we respond, may souls will be saved and there will be peace.

3.  If we do not respond, many souls will be lost and the world will experience great suffering as a consequence of our own evil choices.


The heart of Mary is suffering right now because her children reject God and go to hell by their own free choice. God sends no person to hell. However, God respects the free will of people and if they choose to reject Him, then He will not override and remove the consequences of their free choices and force them into union with Him in Heaven.

On December 10, 1925, the Mother of God appeared to Sr. Lucia, the last living visionary of Fatima, also appearing with her, by Her side, elevated on a luminous cloud, was the Child Jesus. The Most Holy Virgin rested Her hand on Lucia’s shoulder, and as She did so, She showed her a Heart encircled by thorns, which She was holding in Her other hand. At the same time, the Child said:

“Have compassion on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother, covered with thorns, with which ungrateful men pierce It at every moment, and there is no one to make an act of Reparation to remove them.”

Then the Most Holy Virgin said: “Look my daughter, at My Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce Me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to console Me and announce in My name that I promise to assist at the moment of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep Me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making Reparation to Me.”

Have compassion on the heart of your mother whose heart is pierced because her children are in danger of going to hell. Help rescue them by the great benefit of a Rosary and First Saturdays in reparation.


At Fatima Mary said, In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”

What does the Triumph of Her Heart mean? It means human hearts consecrated and united to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that will see the Church and the world through a time of its own passion, death and Resurrection. And that resurrection of the Church and the world following it will be the era of peace. But just like Jesus, we don’t get to the Resurrection except through the suffering and death. That is also true of the Church of Jesus.

In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus asked Peter James and John to pray with him. To pray for Jesus but even more because Peter, James and John would need the grace that come from prayer to endure faithfully the passion and death of Jesus. But they fell asleep and then they fell away.

If we do not answer the call of Our Lady to be more generous in prayer, then we too will be in danger of falling away when the Church goes through its passion and death in our time.


At Fatima Mary said: ‘I want you…to continue to pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, in order to obtain peace in world and the end of the war, because only She can help you.’

Why is it that only Mary can help us? God has given Mary the mission of uniting people to Jesus and forming them in His likeness. This is how she defeats the kingdom of Satan and crushes his head. But she needs your cooperation. She is asking you to consecrate yourself to her and to pray the Rosary every day. You also have a mission to the people around you right now. We want to help you reach the people She’s put in your life. Let’s build a team together and help Jesus and Mary rescue souls? That is our mission.


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