Divine Mercy Day 6

Divine Mercy Day 6
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


By his prayer and sacrifice Jesus saved the world.

And God the Father wants all His children to participate in the work of redemption – he wants us all to play our part in helping others to receive the Mercy of God.

Jesus revealed to St. Faustyna that by our prayer and sacrifice we can help others open up to the Mercy of God.

In the Diary (1767) Jesus said to Faustina: My daughter, I want to instruct you on how you are to rescue souls through sacrifice and prayer. You will save more souls through prayer and suffering than will a missionary through his teachings and sermons alone.


Jesus wants to use our prayer to help bring about the conversion of others.

But I think we fail to pray with confidence because we don’t believe in the power of our prayer. Yet, listen to the testimony of the devil himself. Faustyna writes: Taking the form of an apparition the devil said, “Do not pray for sinners, but for yourself, for you will be damned.”  Paying no attention to Satan, I continued to pray with redoubled fervor for sinners.  The Evil Spirit howled with fury, “Oh, if I had power over you!” and disappeared.  I saw that my suffering and prayer shackled Satan and snatched many souls from his clutches.

And don’t say Faustyna’s prayer is powerful and yours is not. The only difference between you and her is that she recognized the spiritual battle, that souls were at stake and that prayer is a powerful weapon because all the power of prayer rests in the power of Jesus. So have confidence in Him and pray for souls – especially through the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Rosary.


We all have family and friends who show little or no interest in God and we have great concern for them.

Faustyna was no different. Yet she prayed and offered sacrifice vigilantly and God allowed her to see the results so that she would bear testimony in her diary to the power of prayer and sacrifice for others which would spur us on in our efforts to help them.

My sister Wanda came to see me today.  When she told me of her plans, I was horror stricken.  How is such a thing possible?  Such a beautiful little soul before the Lord, and yet, great darkness had come over her, and she did not know how to help herself.  She had a dark view of everything.  The good God entrusted her to my care, and for two weeks I was able to work with her.  But how many sacrifices this soul cost me is known only to God.  For no other soul did I bring so many sacrifices and sufferings and prayers before the throne of God as I did for her soul. I felt that I had forced God to grant her grace.  When I reflect on all this, I see that it was truly a miracle.  Now I can see how much power intercessory prayer has before God.


On March 25, 1938, Faustyna writes:

“Today, I saw the suffering Lord Jesus. He leaned down toward me and whispered softly, My daughter, help Me to save sinners. Suddenly, a burning desire to save souls entered my soul. When I recovered my senses, I knew just how I was to help souls, and I prepared myself for greater sufferings.” Diary 1645

Every Christian is called to take up his cross and share in the Redemptive work of Jesus. Your path will not be the same as that of Faustina. But let us not waste any opportunity to leverage our personal crosses, accept them with trust and offer them with love to Jesus. We can offer up everything: our prayer, work, joy and especially our suffering

·       What you did not choose,

·       Do not like

·       And cannot change

·       Accept with trust

·       Offer with love to Jesus for the conversion of others

Mother Teresa: Accept what He gives and give what He takes with a big smile


The Sixth Day of the Novena to Divine Mercy

Jesus says to us: Today bring to me the meek and humble souls and the souls of little children, and immerse them in My mercy.  These souls most closely resemble My Heart.  They strengthened Me during My bitter agony.  I saw them as earthly Angels, who would keep vigil at My altars.  I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace.  Only the humble soul is able to receive My grace.  I favor humble souls with My confidence.  1220

We Respond: Most Merciful Jesus, You yourself have said, “Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart.”  Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart all meek and humble souls and the souls of little children.  These souls send all heaven into ecstasy and they are the heavenly Father’s favorites.  They are a sweet-smelling bouquet before the throne of God; God Himself takes delight in their fragrance.  These souls have a permanent abode in Your Most Compassionate Heart, O Jesus, and they unceasingly sing out a hymn of love and mercy. 1221

A truly gentle and humble soul Already here on earth the air of paradise breathes, And in the fragrance of her humble heart The Creator Himself delights. 1222

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon meek and humble souls, and upon the souls of little children who are enfolded in the abode which is the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus.  These souls bear the closest resemblance to Your Son.  Their fragrance rises from the earth and reaches Your very throne.  Father of mercy and of all goodness, I beg You by the love You bear these souls and by the delight You take in them:  Bless the whole world, that all souls together may sing out the praises of your mercy for endless ages.  Amen.


Divine Mercy Day 7


Divine Mercy Day 5