
John Leyendecker


Discipleship is about following Jesus, the people who are following Jesus with you, and those you are helping to follow Him too. Jesus actually commands us to do this. In fact, it was so important it was among the last things He told us.  St Matthew’s gospel ends with “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20) So here we have our faith in it’s essence: Being a disciple of Jesus, with the other disciples of Jesus, making more disciples- your spouse, your kids, your family members, your neighbors, your co-workers, your classmates, the other parents on your kids’ sports teams – the whole world.


Doesn’t this sound familiar? It should, because this is exactly what the Movement of the Holy Family is all about! This is what you hear Mike talk about day after day. It’s a matter of taking the command and words of Jesus seriously. First, through realizing I need a deeper intimacy with Christ myself. I do this by spending time with him in quiet meditation everyday and making a resolution based on what God is doing in my heart. The way we pray the rosary allows each one of us to grow in greater knowledge of our faith through the different topics, but it also gives the opportunity to meditate and be with Our Lord in the school of Mary.  It’s incredible how some aspect of the meditation will strike me, speak right to where I’m at or something I’m struggling with, and then I just sit with that through the decade as we pray the Hail Mary’s.  I’ve heard it countless times now, and I love hearing it: I’m so grateful for this daily rosary and how it is helping me grow closer to Jesus with Mary!


A movement of families and friends who live a simple way of life of friendship. How is friendship fostered? Through Conversation, through spending time and sharing life. I am asked, “What should we do? What should we talk about?” This is challenging in a world that is always glued to screens and is accustomed to being passively entertained. The rosary gives us an excuse and a place to start. Invite people over for good food, share some drinks, good bourbon, or craft sodas, whatever your thing is. Share what stood out in the rosary. Ask people good questions. Listen to their responses. Be real in what you share. Vulnerability means ‘the ability to be wounded’. When we are honest it cultivates real friendship. I remember the first time I was in a group of people who were having an incredible conversation and sharing honestly. They were sharing out loud how I felt on the inside. They were sharing all the things I was trying to hide from the world, deep insecurities and struggles. I remember thinking, “Oh man, how do they know about that? They feel that way too? They do that too?” Their authenticity saved my life. I want to be a part of saving other people’s lives.


You possess the cure for what ails all of humanity. I know you don’t feel that way. You probably feel in some ways like you are looking for the cure still yourself, but I assure you this is it. Intimacy with Jesus, good conversation and friendship with others, and telling those you come in contact with about what you have found and inviting them into it. This is what I see missing in most people’s lives: active evangelization. The paradox of Christianity is that you have to give it away to keep it. What I mean by that is, the more I share my faith, the more filled with faith I am. The more time I spend investing in the spiritual good of others, the better off spiritually I am. Unfortunately, we end up not sharing the faith because we are afraid. Afraid of looking bad, Afraid of not knowing enough, etc. Whatever the reason, maybe this is why Jesus says over and over again, “Be not afraid!”


For all the reasons above, that’s why I am member of the movement of the Holy Family, because it makes sense. It lines up with what Jesus said in the Great Commission and with what Our Lady has asked in every apparition, namely to be a disciple, to make disciples, and pray the rosary. I don’t want to live isolated. I don’t want to fight alone. As division grows in the world, and even in the Church, I want to know that there are people that have my back spiritually and share in those graces. I’m encouraged by so many of you out there who have joined the movement, literally thousands of people committed to living this simple way of life daily. Thank you. If you haven’t signed up to be a member yet, consider it in this decade we are about to pray. My friend used to say of really committing ourselves to the Lord and actively evangelizing: If not you, who? If not now, when?


Our Lady of Sorrows


Triumph of the Cross