Communion of Saints

Communion of Saints
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


Speaking about the Last Judgment St Augustine says:

All that the wicked do is recorded, and they do not know. When "our God comes, he does not keep silence.". . . he will turn towards those at his left hand: . . . "I placed my poor little ones on earth for you. I as their head was seated in heaven at the right hand of my Father - but on earth my members were suffering, my members on earth were in need. If you gave anything to my members, what you gave would reach their Head. Would that you had known that my little ones were in need when I placed them on earth for you and appointed them your stewards to bring your good works into my treasury. But you have placed nothing in their hands; therefore, you have found nothing in my presence."

The Last Judgment is a reminder that God expects us to take care of one another. Caring for the bodily needs of others is important. But caring for their spiritual needs is even more important because the body will die and then God will give you a new one. But you only get one soul. Therefore, the care of the soul is more important than the care of the Body.

Who’s soul, past your own, are you helping to care for. Remember the words from our Lord just quoted: Would that you had known that my little ones were in need when I placed them on earth for you and appointed them your stewards to bring your good works into my treasury. But you have placed nothing in their hands; therefore, you have found nothing in my presence."


God entrusts children and grandchildren to us, to care for their soul. God entrusts family and friends to us, to care for their soul. As I said before, it is not enough to provide for their physical needs, we must provide for their spiritual needs as well. And what does everyone need? Friendship with God. The truth of the matter is that people come to God through other people. Friendship with God comes by way of friendship with others. Now, by friendship I do not mean the buddy-buddy friendship in which I spend time with you because you are fun to be with or because I need something from you – its not about pleasure or utility. The friendship I am talking about is the type in which I am committed to your greatest good and hopefully you are committed to mine. For this end we spend time together, sharing life together, and in this we talk about what matters most.

This is the type of friendship that is supposed to make up marriages and parenting and every other good relationship.

God placed you in relationships so that you can help those around you to a deeper friendship with God.

If you were to assess yourself in the area – what grade would you give yourself and why?


The Movement of the Holy Family is about friendship with Jesus and friendship with others.

This Rosary meditation is an easy way to learn the Catholic Faith, little by little, in bite-sized digestible portions each day. At the same time you are learning to meditate and form practical resolutions. But its also a ready-made way to help your kids, grandkids and friends to learn their faith and learn how to meditate just by listening and praying with you or on their own.

We really help ourselves and others when we take it one step further – when we have conversation about the Rosary meditations.

With my kids and my friends I have always made the Rosary conversational. Either after the meditation before the decade or at the end of the Rosary I ask whoever is with me some simple questions: What caught your attention from that point or during the Rosary? What did you like? Or not like? Was there anything you did not quite understand or that you question? Questions are good – they cause you to think more deeply.

Then I always follow up with: Why? Or Tell me more about that. Or how did that make you feel?

Finally – if the opportunity is right – ask What do you think God is asking of you in this meditation?

You can do this will any age – little kids and grandkids give the best answers – but teenagers can too, if you catch them late at night and in the right mood…


If we make the effort to have conversation with others about what we have been meditating on we get a two-fold benefit: we grow immensely in our own faith; our friendship with the other person deepens and grows. The result is friendship with Jesus and others. This is the great elixir of life. Conversely, if we don’t do this then our friendship with Jesus will be in danger of growing shallow and stale because faith only grows by giving it away. If we don’t give it away it will die. Likewise, if we don’t deepen our friendships with others by taking them to the deeper level of spiritual friendships then they too, over time tend to become shallow and stale. Live this well - and you get friendship with Jesus and others. Live it poorly and you’re in danger of losing both.


CCC 948     The communion of saints has two closely linked meanings:

1.  Communion in holy things – above all the Eucharist

2.  Communion among holy persons

3.  The communion of saints is all about friendship – friendship with Jesus and other

The communion of saints begins here on earth and we call it deep abiding friendship.

Lovers stand face to face and look into one another’s eyes.

Friends stand shoulder to shoulder work on common projects.

As friends of Christ and friends with one another – our common project is building up the Kingdom.

This Movement of the Holy Family is about more than praying the Rosary – its about deep abiding friendships within your family and beyond through sharing life, having good conversations and yes praying the Rosary.

What your family and the world need is for you to really live this movement as an active responsible member. Will you answer the call and play your part?


The Last Judgement


Basic Gospel