Averting a Third World War

Averting a Third World War
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


In the approved apparition of Cuapa, Nicaragua in May of 1980 Our Lady warned us of what we must do to avoid a third world war.

"Pray, pray, my son, the Rosary for all the world. Tell believers and non-believers that the world is threatened by grave dangers. I ask the Lord to appease His justice, but, if you don't change, you will hasten the arrival of the Third World War."

Then She said

"I want the Rosary to be prayed every day. I want it to be prayed permanently, within the family ... including the children old enough to understand and to be prayed at a set hour…in the home."

Our Lady wants us to pray the rosary every day, especially in the family, and to invite friends into this daily routine.


During his second apparition Mary gave a vision of how the Rosary began and how She wanted it prayed.

Mary instructed Bernardo to look up at the sky where he saw something like a movie being played before him:

“After seeing the procession of martyrs, there followed a group of saints dressed in white and carrying luminous rosaries in their hands. The rosaries had extremely white beads and gave off light in a variety of different colors. It was made known to him that St. Dominic led the procession while he carried a very large open book. Dominic would read, and after listening - they silently meditated. After this period of prayer and silence, they then prayed the Our Father and ten Hail Marys and the Glory Be.  When the rosary was finished, Our Lady said to me: “These are the first ones to whom I gave the rosary. That is the way that I want all of you to pray the rosary.”


Mary informed Bernando that she was not pleased when the rosary was prayed mechanically or in a rushed manner.

Mary said: “Pray the Rosary, meditate on the mysteries. Listen to the Word of God spoken in them…Put into practice the Word of God.”

Our Lady wants us to pray the Rosary not just say it. She wants us to meditate on the Word of God.

The Word of God is the full teaching of Jesus found in Scripture, Tradition and the Teaching of the Church.

Mary wants us to Read or Listen to the Word of God.

While we pray the Decade we Reflect or think about the Word of God to understand it and apply it to our life.

The we must put into practice the Word of God – we must end our Rosary with a simple concrete Resolution to practice.

That is how Mary wants the Rosary prayed.


To change the course of history and avert a third world war, at Cuapa Mary called us to. "Renew the five first Saturdays. You received many graces when all of you did this."

On the first Saturday of every month go to Confession, receive Holy Communion, Pray the Rosary, and in addition to the Rosary spend 15 minutes thinking about the life of Jesus all with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Pope Benedict XVI extended the window for confession to 20 days prior and 20 days after the first Saturday.

We think we are going to solve all the world’s problems by politics and legislation, economics, education and military might – well, we won’t. Only when we turn to Our Lady and do what she asked will She then bring about the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, crush the head of Satan and bring about the era of peace she promised. 


The Final Words of Our Lady in Nicaragua were these:

Pray the Rosary, meditate on the mysteries.
Listen to the Word of God spoken in them.
Love one another. Love each other.
Forgive each other.
Make peace. Don't ask for peace without making peace; because if you don't make it, it does no good to ask for it.
Fulfill your obligations.
Put into practice the Word of God.
Seek ways to please God.
Serve your neighbor as that way you will please Him."

If you don't change you will hasten the coming of the Third World War.
Pray, pray, my son, for all the world.


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