Anxiety About Money


Why do we worry about money?

Money is one of the things many of us worry about the most. 

Why? Why do we worry about our finances, our house payments, our car payments, our kids’ tuition payments? Why do we worry about whether we’ll get a spike in our compensation? Why is it that financial stress is always listed as one of the reasons why couples get divorced?

Well, most people would say they worry about money because without money they could lose everything and that they need to provide for their loved ones. And, of course, our jobs are unstable. The market is unstable. Who knows where the economy is heading? If I’m going to be responsible then don’t I need to be worried about the economy in general and my own finances in particular?

Actually, Jesus says, “No.” Worry and anxiety over money is useless and harmful.


Christ’s Words

Here is what Jesus has to say about anxiety over money, “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more important than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?  Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown in the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith? So do not worry and say, “What are we to eat?” or “What are we to drink?” or “What are we to wear?” All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. Seek first his kingdom and his will and all these others things will be given you as well.”

That’s a pretty simple matter. If you are anxious about money, Jesus says you shouldn’t be.

But why not?


Worry is useless and harmful.

Instead of worrying, do something about the things you can control. Let God take care of the things beyond your control. But don’t think that everything depends on you alone.

It is overwhelming to think we have been left on our own and everything depends on us. That definitely leads to anxiety. Worry is not productive. It is destructive. 

You are not alone. God the Father Almighty is with you.

Identify precisely what you are worried about financially. Is there anything you can do to change your financial situation? Is there any way to earn more or spend less? If there is something to be done, don’t procrastinate. Instead, think, make decisions, and take action. Procrastination is self-destructive.  

Once we have done all we can and can do no more, then we surrender the rest to God and trust him because nothing is impossible to God.

The main reason you should not stress out financially is because God is ultimately in charge and you are not. You have practically no impact on the larger economy. You must be responsible and do all you can. But you have limited control over how your business does or whether you get promoted or not. Most of that is determined by factors that you have practically no control over.

So take responsibility and do what you can, but remember, God is Our Father Almighty. Almighty means He ultimately governs everything and nothing is impossible to Him. 

So again, fight resentment, take responsibility, do what you can to live simply and to make money, then surrender all the rest to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He’ll take care of you. 


Your Basic Needs will be taken Care of

Notice that Our Lord focuses on simple needs, things like food and drink and clothing. He says, “Don’t worry, God will provide that for you.”

St. Paul says something similar, “If we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.” (I Tim 6:8)

Is that our attitude? Because if it is, we never have to be anxious about financial matters again.

In this society, in the developed world, we and our families are probably never going to be without food and clothing and shelter.

In fact, we’ll probably even have books, and basic healthcare too. Pretty good!

In other words, maybe your financial anxiety is based not on the worry that you won’t have enough to provide for yourself and your family. Maybe it’s based on a desperate need for comfort, entertainment, and status. And fine, we all have that attachment. But there’s no point in being anxious about what you know won’t ever make you happy anyway.


Financial Responsibility

God wants you to be responsible and work but He doesn’t want your work and responsibility to turn into anxiety.

Anxiety is the sign that you’ve either fallen into the illusion of thinking that your own well-being ultimately depends on you or that you’re really attached to and spending money on things that you don’t need, things that won’t make you or your family happy in the long run.

As a resolution, if you are worried about money, stop it. Instead, think, “What can I do to spend less and make more money?”

And for all that is truly beyond your control, give that to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and let him take care of it. 


Generosity With Time


Treasure in Heaven