


We are approaching the Feast of the Archangels and the Guardian Angels. Who are these spiritual beings? How much do you know about them? How often do you think about them? And do you ask them frequently for their help?

In her diary St. Faustyna writes of a profound experience with an angel, “Then I saw one of the seven spirits near me, radiant as at other times, under a form of light. I constantly saw him beside me when I was riding on the train. I saw an angel standing on every church we passed, but surrounded by a light which was paler than that of the spirit who was accompanying me on the journey, and each of these spirits who were guarding the churches bowed his head to the spirit who was near me.” (630)

“When I entered the convent gate at Warsaw, the spirit disappeared. I thanked God for His goodness, that He gives us angels for companions. Oh, how little people reflect on the fact that they always have beside them such a guest, and at the same time a witness to everything! Remember, sinners, that you likewise have a witness to all your deeds.”


What do you know about angels?

We actually know a lot about the angels. God has revealed quite a bit about them. This comes down to us through Scripture, through Tradition which means the writings of the saints like Thomas Aquinas, and the Magisterium, the official teaching of the Church, particularly in the Catechism. Okay, so what do we know about Angels? 

Angels are persons with an intelligence and a free will. They are different from human persons in that we are a unity of body and soul, physical and spiritual. Angels on the other hand are pure spirits created directly by God. They do not have a physical body. And so are not subject to the physical limitations or change like we are. 

Because they are persons, Angels possess free will, but unlike humans, their will is not subject to change once they make a decision. When Lucifer and the fallen angels rebelled against God, their choice was final. Similarly, the choice of the good angels to remain faithful to God was definitive.

Angels have infused knowledge. We humans learn by first gathering information through our senses, then making sense of it through our imagination and memory, and finally using our intellect to understand what it is and how it fits into the bigger picture of our knowledge. Reason helps us connect all these pieces and grow in understanding. While humans learn gradually through experience and reasoning, angels are created with all the knowledge they need, given directly by God, and they understand everything instantly without a process of learning. Their knowledge is intuitive, meaning they grasp truth directly without the process of reasoning.

Angels have perfect knowledge, but it is limited in two ways: they cannot know the future (except as revealed by God) and they cannot know our thoughts unless we reveal them. This is why we pray to the angels, and by prayer we mean we ask them to help us. They stand ready, but they can’t read our minds, so we need to ask for their help.  


Creation of the Angels 

Angels were created by God at the same time as the material universe. Their primary purpose is to glorify God and to collaborate with God in guiding and assisting us on our journey toward union with Him in heaven, serving as instruments of His will, without standing as barriers between us and God. They assist God in the governance of the material world and in guiding human souls, especially through the ministry of guardian angels.

Each human person is assigned a guardian angel, whose purpose is to guide the person toward salvation and to protect them from spiritual harm.

There are nine choirs or groups of angels. I’m sure some angels sing but when we say there are nine choirs of angels we mean there are three levels or hierarchies of angels and three groups within each hierarchy, making nine categories or choirs of angels.

The first level is comprised of the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones. The second level is comprised of the Dominions, Virtues, and Powers. Lastly, the third level is comprised of the Principalities, Archangels, and the Angels.


The Nine Choirs of Angels 

The nine choirs of angels each have distinct roles and responsibilities in God's plan. Here’s a simplified breakdown of each choir according to their roles.

1. Seraphim – Loving and Praising God

The Seraphim are closest to God, and their main role is to constantly love and praise Him with perfect purity. They are completely absorbed in God’s love and inspire others to love Him as well.

2. Cherubim – Understanding God's Wisdom

The Cherubim are focused on knowing and understanding the mysteries of God. They are filled with divine knowledge and are responsible for helping others gain insight into God's wisdom.

3. Thrones – God's Justice and Authority

The Thrones represent God's divine authority and justice. They are associated with carrying out God’s judgments and ruling with justice. They help mediate God's will, ensuring that His justice is carried out in creation.

4. Dominions – Guiding the Lower Angels

The Dominions are responsible for overseeing the angels in the lower choirs and making sure they carry out their duties according to God’s plan. They manage the distribution of tasks to other angels.

5. Virtues – Bringing God's Power to Nature

The Virtues are involved in bringing God's power to the natural world, especially in performing miracles. They ensure that the natural laws God has set for the universe work in harmony with His divine will.

6. Powers – Protecting Against Evil

The Powers are defenders of the cosmos, fighting against the influence of evil. They keep harmful forces, both physical and spiritual, in check, maintaining order and peace in the world.

7. Principalities – Guardians of Nations and Leaders

The Principalities watch over entire groups of people, such as nations, cities, and rulers. Like the Angel of Portugal that appeared to the three children of Fatima in 1916. They guide the leaders of societies and help ensure that governance aligns with God's plans for humanity.

8. Archangels – Messengers of Important Missions

Archangels are tasked with delivering significant messages from God to humanity, as seen with Gabriel announcing the birth of Christ to Mary. They also help protect and guide larger groups of people.

9. Angels – Guardian Angels for Individuals

Angels are the closest to humans and are assigned as guardian angels to individuals. They assist in guiding, protecting, and helping each person on their journey toward God.


The More the Merrier 

God doesn’t need angels or humans the angels. But God is first a Father who wants to raise up children who share in everything he is, everything he has, and all that he does. 

So, God created angels and humans to share in his divine life and to have the joy of collaborating with him in two things: making the world a more perfect place and helping each other to heaven.

So, first of all, are we giving the angels the joy they could have by remembering their presence and asking for their help? We are making a big mistake if we live as if angels do not exist.  

Dr. Mark Miravalle, in his book Time to Meet the Angels, shares the insights of a mystic who relates what Jesus wants us to know about the Angels. “My children, there is so much talk of the enemy and the enemy is so glorified in your world, that many souls forget that heaven is far and away more powerful than the pitiful band of bitter ones who serve darkness. These want only your misery. Conversely, the unlimited number of good and holy servants, want only your joy and safety. But your prayers are necessary to mobilize all of this power. In these times, many souls spend time with darkness through their activities and recreation. In doing so, souls are inviting the enemy’s companionship. If souls do not invite our companionship, through prayers and requests, we do not force ourselves. So surround yourself with all that is Light and the enemy will avoid you. Ask for an honor guard of My angels and you will be enveloped in powerful beings from heaven who will insure that you complete your missions in safety. Children, you are God’s little creatures. You will not be abandoned.”


Blessed Hermann the Lame


Padre Pio