And Lead Us Not Into Temptation

And Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


And Lead us not into temptation

The original Greek means both “do not allow us to enter temptation” and “do not let us consent to temptation.”

So how do we overcome temptation? We must first be absolutely convinced that we do not have the strength on our own to conquer temptation and avoid sin. On our own we are powerless to do so. If you need proof look back over your life and tell me how you’ve done. I haven’t done so well on my own. In fact, on my own my life was totally out of control.

In 1989 I was living a very sinful life (I know, you’re thinking, this is the Rosary guy, he probably wasn’t very sinful. Well, I can assure you I was living in a hellish abyss of mortal sin.) One night in December of 1989 God gave me the grace to see that if something didn’t change, I was going to destroy myself. This stark realization scared me to death. And I said to God, “If I continue to control my life I am going to crash and burn, and no one can stop me. God, I beg you to take total control of my life.” A peace came over me and from that moment on I began to ascend out of the depth of the abyss to the wonderful life I have now.

The first step to overcoming temptation and sin is to admit we are powerless over temptation and that our lives have become unmanageable. We believe there is One greater than ourselves who can overcome our sin and lead us to peace – Jesus Christ. So we make the decision to turn our life and our will over to the care of the Good Shepherd who will lead us out of the valley of sin.


Then we must make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

We must go through an examination of conscience and go to Confession where we can admit to God and to ourselves the exact nature of our sins. Why do we need to go to Confession? Because Jesus meets us there through the human instrument of the priest and it allows us to admit to God and another person the exact nature of our wrongs. And there in Confession Jesus obliterates the guilt of our sin, drowning them in the ocean of his Mercy, the excessive, unconditional, healing love of God. And we receive the grace and strength to overcome future temptation and sin. Each day we must do an examination of conscience, becoming aware of both our blessings and sins.

When was the last time you made a searching and fearless and thorough examination of conscience and gone to confession?


The most effective way to overcome temptation is to put all your effort into being aware of the presence of Jesus and reliance upon Him.

That is where the effort is – not in white knuckling your way out of temptation and into virtue. That will only end in pride or despair. Instead. Practice becoming aware of the presence of Jesus and Jesus will give you the strength to overcome temptations and overcome even the temptation to put yourself into temptations.

Our effort is to constantly invoke Jesus to help us do better.

Let me once again remind you to use the Jesus prayer when temptation strikes: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.”

Or just say the name of Jesus until the temptation fades.


Intimacy with Jesus conquers temptation and sin.

The two most effective means to intimacy with Jesus are daily meditation and to receive Jesus in the Eucharist as often as you can. How to do daily meditation. Set aside at least 30 minutes (its hard to rush a good conversation with a friend in less time.) Read the Word of God or listen in the Rosary Podcast. Then reflect or think about what struck you. Finally, make a concrete and practical resolution to put into practice something from your meditation that day.


Good friends are a fortress

Once I turned my life over to God in December of 1989, my conversion sputtered and didn’t gain any speed for almost three years. Then it took off. What made the difference? A small group of good friends who wanted to become better Christians. In August of 1992 my wife Sandy and I went to Franciscan University in Steubenville for our Masters and there we met great friends. Dr. Troy Hinkel and his wife Laura were two of those friends and his friendship has been one of the greatest helps to me.

Wherever your social group is morally, your conversion will stop at that level. We all need at least one or two people and better yet  a small group of friends who want to grow in goodness. We need to spend time with them, sharing life regularly.

I am so impressed with Jenny and Troy Wallace who invite a small group of friends over every Monday night for the Rosary, pot-luck supper, glass of wine and good conversation.

James Arkell gets together with 8 buddies on Wednesday mornings

If you are naturally gifted with the ability to get people together – then use that gift for the good of others.

If you struggle, then let us help connect you with others. Join us as a Member of the Movement and let us know where you live and we will help you connect to other Members who want to live this simple way of life with others.


Deliver Us From Evil


Forgive Us Our Trespasses