The Victory of Christ Made Present

In the Mass and each of the Sacraments there is a prayer called the Epiclesis, when the priest prays with his hands palms side down, asking the Holy Spirit to make the saving events of Jesus present.

●      In Reconciliation, as the priest is giving you absolution, he raises his hand over your head and prays an epiclesis…

God the Father of Mercies

Through the Death and Resurrection of his Son

Has reconciled the world to himself…

And I absolve you from your sins…

●      The Death and Resurrection are made Present to cleanse you of sin right then and there. 

●      Now, we should examine our conscience each day and ask forgiveness for our sins;

●      But there is something vastly more powerful -  the saving death and resurrection of Jesus, in which his blood is poured out for the forgiveness of sins, that is actually made present in the Sacrament of Confession to apply the Salvation of Jesus once again to you. 

The Mass and the Sacraments are the only place in the world the saving event of Calvary is made present, so that we may stand in the Fountain of Grace and Mercy that poured forth from the Savior’s Heart and drink in His divine life in the Eucharist!

The suffering death and resurrection of Jesus that conquered Satan, sin and death, remains present and is made present to us in the Mass because we wreck ourselves in little and big ways every day. But our Savior is always there to save us from ourselves with His precious blood in the Mass and in the Sacraments.


Baptism, Sin, and Death


Blessed Peter To-Rot