The Sacrament of Holy Orders

Without the ordained ministry, you and I will go to Hell! How can I say such a thing? Because Bishops, priests, and deacons offer the Kingdom of Heaven to us in a couple important ways: First, their very vocation is a sign of the reality of heaven. They have no mere earthly function, but act as an extension of Christ and His mission on earth to save, redeem and sanctify us so we can begin living heaven now. Second, the Sacraments are the primary vehicles God uses to offer us the graces Jesus won for us. So, those ordained to the holy orders signify and act as Jesus to give us the very power of Divine life (cf. #1538). Bishops and priests act in the person of Christ to sanctify, govern, and guide the baptized.  So, if you complain about your priest, for every minute spent complaining, spend three praying. Double that for your Bishop and triple it for the Pope!


The Mission of Marriage


James the Great