The Humility of King David

We all live under the unnecessary and crushing weight of pride, that is, all our efforts to make ourselves valuable by our accomplishments.

We think we have to do something great to be great. And if we fail, then we have no value – we are worthless. It results in anxiety and paralysis.

We can Remove the weight of pride with humility – humility is just the truth about who you really are.

You are made in the image of God. His life dwells in you through Baptism making you a son or daughter of God! God made you, he approves of you, he delights in you. He thinks you make the world a better place just by being in it.

It is not about what you do. It is about what God has done for you and how gratefully we receive it.

With this truth ever in mind we can escape the fear of failure, then the anxiety fades, the paralysis leaves and confidence grows because there is nothing to lose. I can’t lose my God given identity. So take a breathe, your safe, you matter!


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