The Good Samaritan

I.            There was once a man on a journey

a.  That’s how this story begins – and ultimately, it’s not just talking about a man – the entire human race is on a journey from the womb to the tomb, from this life to the next.

b.  And this humanity has been set upon by thieves – by the Devil himself, the liar and accuser and deceiver

                                         i.    We were ambushed in the Garden of Eden; we were taken in by the serpent

1.  And we were despoiled of our divine sonship

2.  Our mind and wills were robbed of their keenness and strength

3.  Our feelings and instincts were thrown into complete disarray

4.  And our bodies were riddled with pain and sickness and fatigue and corruption

c.   And that’s how the demon-thieves left us

                                         i.    Lying on the road of life, beaten and twisted and unconscious – and waiting for death

d.  And who was there to help us?

II.          God, of course – God who has taken mercy on us in the person of Jesus Christ

III.        The parable of the good Samaritan is a story about what we should do for each other

a.  But it’s first of all a story of what Christ has already done for us.

b.  Christ is the foreigner who comes to save us

                                         i.    We had gotten ourselves into this mess – it wasn’t the Lord’s fault we’d opened ourselves to the Devil’s assault

c.   But Christ comes to us – the one who made us, who can remake us – comes to us on our road, on the human path

                                         i.    He raises our humanity, lifts us up, takes the weight of our problems upon himself

                                       ii.    And brings us to a place where we can be taken care of


The Significance of the Shepherds


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