The Birthplace of John the Baptist

Did you know there were two Annunciations?

The Angel Gabriel came first to Zechariah in the Temple to reveal God’s will, that he is to have a son and name him John, even though he and Elizabeth are very old; Zechariah, however, does not believe. Next, Gabriel came to Mary in Nazareth to reveal God’s will for her, that she also will have a son and name him Jesus, even though she is to remain a virgin; and she believes. Why does Mary believe, and Zechariah does not? 

Zechariah responded to the angel by saying: “How can I be sure of this? Zechariah asks for proof.

Zechariah does not respond with faith because he does not have the habit of listening to God in silent prayer. 

To remedy this problem, Gabriel strikes him not only speechless, but St. Ambrose tells us Zechariah was also made deaf for the next 9 months, to give him the silence he needs to get familiar with God’s voice so that he can hear, believe and do the will of God.

Silence and listening to the Word of God are the necessary requirements to faith, to knowing and doing the will of God.

At the Annunciation Mary does not ask “How can I be sure of

this?” She doesn’t need proof. She’s already spent time in silence, reading and thinking about the Word of God which makes her familiar with God’s voice, ready to hear, ready to believe and to do what God asks of her

So, what is keeping us from silence and a deeper friendship with God who dwells in your heart?

And how can we be more like Mary, who said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to your will.”


Pilate and Indifference to Truth


Living With the Holy Spirit