The Beauty of Mary Will Save the World

Beauty is meant to be an image that opens our soul to God.

But beauty can be hijacked and used to open our soul to the devil.

When men look at pornographic images (or any image of a woman that arouses lust) they are opening their souls through their sense of sight to be transformed by the devil.

Women can be tempted to use their beauty to manipulate men to get what they want – to be wanted and cherished by a man.

Mary is the most beautiful thing God ever created because of her relationship with the Holy Spirit. In her the purest rays of human beauty converge with those rays of heavenly beauty.

In her person, Mary is the most perfect and profound expression of the beauty of God in creation – and that is why she so powerfully draws us to God…

But sinfully, we open our sense of sight to the devil to be transformed by him.

We can be healed from disordered beauty by opening our sense of sight to Mary, the image of true beauty and she will lead us to God who will transform us.

We need to look at Mary, and she will lead us to God by means of her beauty.

Get an image of Mary that you find captivating. Put it somewhere in your home where you can just sit and be mesmerized by her beauty for a long time.

Let that image of Mary burn into your memory so that when temptation strikes you and you are blinded, you can immediately recall this image of Mary. Keep your gaze fixed on her until the temptation passes and you will open your soul to God rather than the devil.


Saints Anne and Joachim