Prayer is Nourishment

We all have a hunger and thirst that cannot be satisfied by anything in this world. That is why we are restless.

Jesus said, “Whoever drinks this water will get thirsty again. But anyone who drinks the water that I will give will never be thirsty again.”

So how can we we quench this hunger and thirst that cannot be satisfied by any worldly thing?

By Prayer! And Prayer is three things.

Meditation on the Word of God is nourishment for the soul. If you are hungry for more, then that is what you need.

You may not believe this, but prayer is rest. We need rest as prayer for God to recreate our soul.

And Catholic meditation is above all a quest.

We are searching for the purpose of our life; searching for love and acceptance; searching for answers; searching, searching, searching…

In God we find everything we have been searching for. In God, we finally rest. In God alone, we are completely satisfied and nourished.

God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in your soul.

In them you will find all you need.


The Presentation at the Temple


The Right Kind of Dreamer