Plank Eye

Jesus taught: Why do you observe the splinter in your brother's eye and never notice the plank in your own?

Why is it that we see the sins and character flaws of others so clearly, but we are completely blind to our own?

Because strong emotions take control of us, we stop thinking and that is when we become blind to reality, blind to our own issues.

Thinking should control emotions and decisions, not feelings.

Here is what happens: something triggers one of our dominant vices and this disordered desire becomes inflamed and takes our reason hostage. Then the intellect begins to build a case based on partial truth to justify or rationalize our vice.

Or you might say, “Hey, it has been such a stressful time, I deserve a second or third glass of scotch or this comfort food.”

We build an argument based on some partial truth the emotions put before us to justify the action we know deep down is wrong. This is how disordered desires blind us to our own behavior.

But when it comes to other people we are not blinded by our disordered desires.

So, what is the solution? Once we recognize strong emotions have control of us I find it most helpful to

I.            Turn immediately to Jesus and Mary and ask for their help. I say “Jesus and Mary, I can’t. You can. I surrender to you.”

II.          Then hit pause or get out of the situation and think. Remember, the issue is that our emotions have blurred reality. The purpose of thinking is to grasp reality correctly. So think and get connected to reality.

It’s like in the old movies when someone is panicked or paralyzed by fear and another person grabs them, slaps them in the face and they wake up. That is what we need to do to ourselves. Wake up to reality. If you get your thoughts in order then your emotions will fall in line.

III.        Make a resolution not to forget the insight, the correct view of reality and take some action based on reality rather than emotions.


Enter by the Narrow Gate


Rash Judgement