Mary Magdalene

In 42 AD King Herod began to violently persecute the Christians in Jerusalem. He had the Apostles James, the Greater put to death by the sword (we celebrate his feast on July 25th), and he exiled some of Jesus’ closest friends: Magdalene, Martha, Lazarus, Maximin and others.

Their boat finally landed in southern France near Marseille where they immediately began to share with everyone the Good News of the Resurrection of Jesus. There they firmly established the Catholic Faith in France.

Later Magdalene retreated to a life of prayer and solitude in a grotto half-way up the mountain of Saint Baume to be perpetually alone with Jesus.

In the fall of 2023 you can go with me to her tomb.

What should we take as a resolution from Mary Magdalene?

That as Christians, we have a two-fold mission:

    I.        Deep friendship with Jesus through Mass, the Eucharist and Prayer;

  II.        We are called to Help others to friendship with Jesus through our own families and human friendships 

One of the best ways to do this is to take back Sundays.


James the Great


The Sacrament of Anointing