Friendship Is the Way

Acts 2

The early Christian community in Jerusalem committed themselves to three things: the teaching of the apostles, to friendship, to the breaking of bread – (which was the first title of the Mass). Day by day the Lord added to their community those destined to be saved.

Friendship is the key to build the Kingdom

My very close friend Jack is a Palestinian Catholic who has lived in Jerusalem his whole life. He has a friend named Rami who is married to a Catholic, Rami believes in Jesus but does not really practice his faith and his children are not baptized.

Like many European cities everyone walks here. Each day Jack passes by the shop of Rami, they share a coffee and talk. Jack has taken the time over many years to genuinely get to know him, understand him, and when times were tough, especially during COVID, they took care of each other financially. Most importantly, Jack through friendship and good conversation Jack has shared his faith with Rami.

Well, as soon as I got in Jerusalem I went to his shop to see how he and his family were doing. After we got caught up, knowing he was struggling with getting his youngest children baptized after the COVID shutdown, I said “Rami, let’s get your kids baptized.” Well, all the years of friendship and good conversation and genuine care from Jack and the grace of God kicked in and Rami said “Yes, let’s do it.”

Jack made arrangements with the Franciscans and today, I received the immense privilege of being a godparent of his children at their Baptism – and the Christian community grew!


The Birthplace of Mary


Preparation for the Cosmic Battle