Eucharistic Miracles

The Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires 1996

August 18, 1996 a consecrated Host was discarded in the back of St Mary Church after communion

A woman found it and told the priest who placed the host in a container of water to dissolve, before being poured on a living plant.

August 26, 1996 the priest opened the tabernacle and saw that the host had not dissolved. IN fact, the host had changed in appearance to bloody human flesh and had grown significantly in size. 

The priest informed the Bishop, who is now Pope Francis and he gave instructions for a fragment of the Host to be sent to Dr. Frederick Zugibe, a Cardiac Forensic Pathologist in NY for analysis. However they did not tell the Pathologist the fragment was from a Host. In his pathology report the Dr. concluded it was

Human Heart tissue from the Left Ventricle

The tissue was infiltrated with white blood cells

Which told him two things

1.  This heart was Alive when the sample was taken

2.  This Heart has suffered trauma

a.  White blood cells go to address injury

The Pathologist was asked how long the white blood cells would have remained alive if they had come from a piece of tissue kept in water?

“They would have died in a matter of minutes,” he responded.

The sample had been kept in ordinary water for a month and then in distilled water for three years in a container of distilled water

Only then had the sample been taken for analysis

It was only then that it was revealed to the Pathologist the sample was taken from a consecrated host

The DNA revealed a Man who lived in the Middle East

That it was Human Heart tissue from the Left Ventricle

Blood type AB+

Universal Recipient

Jesus will refuse no one who comes to Him

The lab report was then compared to a similar study of the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano Italy

They matched perfectly


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