Eliminate Evil

The Virtue of Fortitude is to do the right thing even when we don’t want to.  

There are two forms of living out courage: Attack and Endure. Attack means to eliminate any evil that is under our authority or within your control.

We see Jesus live out this courageous attack when he cleansed the Temple with the whip. The Jews intervened and said: What sign can you show us to justify what you have done? Jesus answered, “Destroy this Temple and I will raise it up in three days.” He was speaking of the Temple of His Body. The primary place we should direct our attack to eliminate evil is in ourselves – for we are the temple where God dwells.

Endurance is the second part of fortitude.

With Attack we do all that’s in our power to change things that are bad. But once we’ve done all we can to change a bad situation, and there is no more we can do; this is where we become Courageous through endurance. We accept the things we did not choose, do not like and cannot change, and we Offer them up and unite them to the suffering of Christ because God works all things for good for those who love him.

Jesus saved the world when he accepted the Cross.

The most spiritually fruitful we can be is the patient acceptance and endurance of the sufferings, which God in His providence allows in your life.


Franz Jaegerstaetter


Peace Through the Will of God