Deliver Us from Evil

In the last line of the Our Father Jesus teaches to pray: “Deliver us from evil.”

The greatest evil from which we need to be delivered is sin and the root cause of all sin is pride.

Pride is all the ways we try to validate our existence, prove our worth, and find our identity apart from God.

When you think of your identity, what do you associate it with most? Your profession, some accomplishment or some attribute, that you are a parent or grandparent?

This is dangerous because professions come to an end, accomplishments fade, children need us less and less and we become irrelevant. And it’s impossible to base our worth on the opinion of others. People are fickle – they are constantly changing their opinion of you. Your value in the eyes of the world is always trending up and down.

The solution to pride is Humility. Humility is just the truth about us. The first truth is that we are human, we have limitations like everyone. The second truth is that we have infinite worth because we’ve been created in the Image of God and He place His life in your soul making you His adopted son or daughter. There is nothing you or anyone can do to add or subtract from your value.

In fact, God looks at you and says: It is good that you exist, how wonderful you are!


Trust in God


Lead Us Not into Temptation