Changing World Events

We should all pray for the end of the War in the Ukraine.

It is important to know that the root cause of this war, or any war is sin, my sin, your sin and the sin of everyone in the world.

Mary was sent from God on a Rescue Mission as the Queen of Peace. She told us that if we want to stop wars and bring about peace, we need to do three things:

First, Each one of us must convert from sin to virtue

Our Lady said: The only thing that I would want to tell you is to be converted. Make that known to all my children as quickly as possible…I will pray to my Son not to punish the world; but I beseech you, be converted. You cannot imagine what is going to happen nor what the Eternal Father will send to earth. That is why you must be converted!

2nd She asked us to pray the Rosary every day. She said: "Pray, pray, my son, the Rosary for all the world. Tell believers and non-believers that the world is threatened by grave dangers. I ask the Lord to appease His justice, but, if you don't change, you will hasten the arrival of the Third World War."

3rd, She asked for First Saturdays of Reparation

On the first Saturday of every month

·       Go to Confession,

·       Receive Holy Communion,

·       Pray the Rosary,

·       Spend 15 minutes thinking about the life of Jesus

·       With the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

There is no need to be afraid.

With God and Our Lady we can help stop wars and bring about peace.


The Power of St. Joseph


St. Patrick's Day