A Vision of Heavenly Life

a.   The ascension of Our Lord reminds us that not only will we receive our bodies back, but they will be transformed bodies, with stunning new capabilities.

                                         i.    It was Jesus’ body that walked out of the tomb – that’s why the tomb was empty.

                                        ii.    But it was Jesus’ body transformed – recall how Mary Magdalen and the disciples on the road to Emmaus had such a hard time recognizing Him.

b.   Jesus’ body after the resurrection seems to be more versatile than it was before; it’s a real body, but seems somehow lighter.

                                         i.    Before the resurrection, He walked on water. Now even the cloud will support His weight.

                                        ii.    He walks through walls, He appears and disappears suddenly

1.   St. Paul tells us that our fleshy body will die, and will sow the seed of a spiritual body (I Cor 15:44).

a.   In other words, our bodies, when risen, will be newly made – they will be exalted, glorified, and the joy of the resurrection will be something we can’t even imagine now.

                                      iii.    We live in an age where superhero culture about people with unbelievable physical abilities is all the rage.

1.   It may be we love those stories because we have some innate desire for an enhanced human bodily life –

2.   and it’s precisely that desire that the second Glorious mystery promises will be fulfilled in the life to come.


St. Maria Goretti


God and America