God Giving Advice on How to Read Scripture

“To be with Jesus and go forth to speak of Him” Shepherd and Fisherman, Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap

The purpose of experiencing “spiritual exercises is not to hear new and original insights but things that are useful and essential for life” (Introduction XV).

“Clearly then, the fruitfulness of the work of lay people depends on their union with Christ. As our Lord himself said: ‘Whoever dwells in me and I in him, bears much fruit, for separated from me you can do nothing (John 15:5). (Apostolicam actuositatme, 4 – Apostolic Activity Decree on the Work of God’s People – Vatican Council II)

God Giving You Advice on How to Read and Meditate on Scripture

Before reading, recollect yourself before me. Feel my breath and imagine being in my presence full of love and salvation; imagine that I’m speaking to you personally. Ask my Spirit to reveal my word to you and to open your heart to me. Then sit down and read the passage attentively what I suggest to you (preferably from your own Bible). Let every word enter deeply into your heart; try to taste it, to savor it, to repeat it, until it penetrates you. Believe that I myself am addressing every word to you. If you picture a biblical scene, for example, a healing story, imagine it concretely. Transport yourself to that scene. You’re the sick person who comes to me or who is touched by my love. Look at me and let me look at you. Tell me what’s bothering you right now and ask me what I want to say about it to you. And then listen in silence to my response.

When you experience intimacy with me, what I say is then no longer so important. What’s important is for you to be with me; that’s enough. Stay with me in this visit so that your attention doesn’t lessen. Then continue to read the text; let the words enter into your heart again and immerse yourself in the next situation. Talk to me because that makes your heart more fully engaged. To hear your own voice speaking to me stirs your feelings, and then you sense that I’m truly present and you’re encountering me personally. And as you are before me, you confront your life – all that’s usually hidden beneath your business.

You discover the truth about your life in the good I want for you and sense that you’re accepted just as you are and that, despite your faults, all is well. Then you’ll experience a profound peace come over you.

Then bring into daily life that inner sense you discovered in being with me. I always dwell in your heart, in the interior room of silence; I’m the same one who spoke to you and who met with you at different times in your life, in your heart, through other people. In everyday life, always remember there’s a room within you to which people who bother you with their real, often trivial, problems don’t have access. Within you remains a secret place that distances you from everything you do. And in this distance, you live in freedom; you discover that I’m your center and that you don’t define yourself by what is happening outside of you. If you succeed in discovering that room, you’ll then feel free and can peacefully be occupied with the practical tasks you need to handle.

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