Examination of Conscience with the Virtues

A Deeper Reflection to Prepare for Reconciliation

Striving for Virtue in Light of the Seven Deadly Sins

Generosity (overcoming greed/avarice)

Giving good things to others freely and abundantly

"Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." Mat­thew 25:40

  • Am I a good steward with my resources? Do I live beyond my means or spend money frivolously?

  • Do I meditate on simplicity of life, especially in light of those who struggle financially?

  • Do I reflect on my responsibility before God to be a good steward of my resources, including providing for the needs of others?

  • Do I cultivate an awareness of the needs of others, especially those who struggle financially or the less fortunate and seek to show God's compassion for them?

  • Am I generous with my time, talent/gifts, and treas­ure? Do I give cheerfully?

  • Am I resentful at the success of others? Do I practice being content with what I have materially, knowing that spiritual wealth is far more valuable?

  • Have I cheated, stolen, or wasted money frivolously through gambling?

  • Do I trust in God to help provide for my needs?

Temperance (overcoming gluttony/over­indulgence)

Using all things in moderation.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, whom you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your bodies." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  • Do l make food/drink/pleasures of this world too important or use them in excess?

  • Do I incorporate fasting and practice delayed gratification or mortification of my body to live more according to the Spirit rather than according to the flesh?

  • Do I misuse alcohol or drugs? Do l temper my love or use of any good thing, knowing that created things can never fully satisfy the desire of my soul?

Love (overcoming lust/inappropriate desires of the flesh)

Willing the good of the other.

"For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God..." 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

  • Do I keep custody of my eyes, thoughts, and speech? (Philippians 4:8)

  • Am I chaste in my actions with self and others, according to my state in life?

  • Do I dress and speak with modesty?

  • Do I avoid TV, movies, music, books, or internet sites that are unchaste?

  • Have I flirted with or encouraged romantic affections from others who have already committed to a particu­lar vocation or are in a committed relationship?

  • Do I honor my vows in marriage or consecrated life or priestly promises? Do I proactively live in ways that are consistent with this commitment and help me grow in faithfulness to them?

  • Do I avoid occasions of sin and the appearance of sin (scandal) and live in a way that is above reproach as a witness to others?

Humility (overcoming pride/vanity)

Embracing the truth of who we are before God and others.

"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done..." Matthew 6:10

  • Am I seeking to do God's will in my life, trusting He will lead me in His time and way and help me to accomplish it?

  • Do I strive to conform my mind and heart to the mind and heart of Christ and His Church?

  • Do I pray, setting time aside for Christ each day, knowing that He is the Vine and we are the branches, "apart from Him I can do nothing?"

  • Have I been self-centered or selfish? Do I seek my will and my way? Do I have an inflated value of my opinion? Have I been boastful, arrogant, or held others in contempt?

  • Have I been oversensitive having an excessive concern for my feelings and how others have hurt me? Do I hold onto resentment and bitterness?

  • Do I seek to hear God's voice through the Scriptures, His living Word? Do I seek His face in the least among us and those in need?

  • Do I honor God's name and avoid cursing or making inappropriate jokes about God or sacred things/people?

  • Do I honor my parents and those in authority giving them the respect due to them?

  • Do I seek to do things for God's glory and purify my motives so as not to do them for vanity?

  • Do I seek to use my gifts for God, my vocation, and in service to others?

  • Do I live out my responsibilities with trust that, even in disappointments and failures, God's Providence works through it?

Gratefulness (overcoming envy/jealousy)

Giving thanks for all that we are and have at all times.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice..." Romans 12:15

  • Am I grateful for the many graces and gifts God has given me? Do I thank Him often for these gifts?

  • Do I speak well of others and rejoice in the gifts and successes of others? Do I recognize that each person is given unique gifts all for the building up of the Body of Christ?

  • Am I envious or jealous of others' appearance, posses­sions, gifts, ideas, or relationships?

  • Do I acknowledge and develop the gifts God has given me?

  • Have I lessened another's good name or reputation through my conversations, whether true or untrue? Do I avoid speaking ill of others and sharing things about another that is not necessary to share?

Justice/Mercy (overcoming anger/wrath)

Giving to each their due in light of Christ's sacrifice and our call to holiness.

"Bear with one another and forgive one another...Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you." Colossians 3:13

  • Do I practice patience and mercy with others? Am I quick to forgive the faults and failings of others, know­ing that I too have them? Do I give others the benefit of the doubt?

  • Do I seek to take revenge, hurt another with my words, or hold on to resentment or bitterness?

  • Do I receive the mercy that God offers me? Do I tell others of His unfathomable mercy?

  • Do I forgive and show mercy as I have been shown by Christ?

Faithfulness to grace/Fortitude (overcoming sloth/spiritual laziness)

Steadfastness in following the will of God.

"Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling little things..." Matthew 25:23

  • Am I faithful to my duties to God and His call in my state in life (marriage, family, work, school, church) giving them their just due with my time, availability, and gifts?

  • Do I overcome the temptation to procrastine and practice self-denial to overcome sloth and spiritual laziness? Do I persevere in my duties even when it is difficult or requires sustained effort to do so?

  • Am I hard-working and give my best effort in whatever I do? Do I intentionally strive to live in the present moment to be present to God, myself, and others as best as I am able?

  • Do I live an ordered life that includes: daily prayer, getting reasonable sleep, healthy eating, exercise, and making time for spouse/family and friendships?

  • Do I cultivate a healthy sense of leisure that helps me grow in relationship with others and cultivate a sense of the good, true, and beautiful in my life?

  • Am I impulsive in commitments or inconstant with my actions (imprudence)?

Revised from: Mount St. Mary’s University

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The Sacrament of Reconciliation


Adoration/Holy Hour